Thursday, November 1, 2012

2-in-1 Spaghetti Squash

Wondering what to do with that yellow squash you see at this time of the year in the grocery store?? Here are not one, but TWO recipes you can make with ONE squash! Go ahead, try them out.

This is what a spaghetti squash looks like :)
First things first: you can save yourself time in preparing this meal if you cook the spaghetti squash the day before. There are multiple ways to cook it - you can bake, microwave, and boil as some of the options.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Single leg knee to elbow push-up

Single leg knee to elbow push-up
Do as many as you can, maintaining good technique!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We are 22 days away from the month of MOVEMBER! 

Living Vitae will be hosting a FREE Boot Camp next month on Friday, November 30 at 5:15PM in downtown San Francisco at Pier 14, followed by Happy Hour, where any donations you make will go towards prostate cancer.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

7 Exercises for 7 Days "Fit" Challenge

Many of us find it difficult, if not impossible, to get a workout in most days a week. Not only is it difficult to carve out any time in your busy schedule, but trying to get the recommended 30 minutes minimum in all at once seems impossible! Well, here's the deal. You can find little ways to exercise throughout your busy day while doing your regular routine. Yes, that is right, you don't have to carve out very much EXTRA time for exercise to make a difference!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Overhead Wall Squat Max

Weekly Fitness Challenge

The Overhead Wall Squat Max

Core Stability - Abdominal Strength

Why Do It:
Most of us sit all day long. We sit while working, we sit while eating, we sit while driving. This creates multiple problems in our body. it weakens our back muscles by overstretching them, and tightens the opposing muscle groups, leading to

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nectarine and Prosciutto Salad

So let me preface this by saying I have been ADDICTED to adding nectarines into every salad I make. They are absolutely AMAZING in a salad!! Just the right amount of sweet. I'm a huge fan of this recipe, not only for the taste, but for how EASY it is to make!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The 60 Second Push-up Plank

The 60 Second Push-up Plank

Core Strength

The Why:
According to Core Performance, it’s impossible to move your limbs efficiently and forcefully if they’re not attached to something solid and stable. That’s your pillar—all the muscles that connect your hips, torso, and shoulders. When these areas are properly aligned, you can transfer energy throughout